A million thanks to Pablo from SUPERCAT! Pablo is one of the customers of SUPERCAT and he just send us his awesome pictures of the mousetraps in action. First thing that hits my me. That mouse is freakin’ FAT! It must have had a ten-course meal every night, at Pablo’s expense of course. Maybe that’s why he was so angry that when he finally caught the mouse, he was so satisfied he sent us the pictures. SUPERCAT was victorious!
According to Pablo, he used the SUPERCAT Mousetraps on his property where his private office was upstairs and his restaurant was downstairs. Restaurants mean food lying around. Food lying around means rats and mice. No wonder why that mouse he caught was so plump. He actually caught a couple of those critters, but only send us pictures of one.
Congratulations, Pablo, from SUPERCAT!
Have any SUPERCAT Mousetrap photos you want to share? Contact SUPERCAT directly!